Saturday, July 19, 2014

7. For Some, 13 Feels Like it was Just Yesterday

Of course, for my number 7 pick I've got to go with 13 Going On 30. This coming of age romance, literally, stars the talented Jennifer Garner (Jenna Rink) and Mark Ruffalo (Matt Flamhaff). For some, 13 feels like it was just yesterday. For Jenna, it was.

Jenna was a young girl about to turn 13, who was on the outside trying to get in. She was having a little birthday party and invited the cool girls from her school, "six chicks" to grow in popularity. As they got there they only wanted to Jenna to write a paper for them. So they played a little trick on her, seven-minutes-in-heaven with Mattie. she got embarrassed and made a wish to be 30. Little did she know that a little wishing dust and a whole lot of hoping, would make her wish a reality.

As Jenna awakes the next morning, she comes to realize she's in a strange new place and clearly no longer a 13 year old girl, but a 30 year old woman. She also wakes up to a man in her apartment, her boyfriend, and it really freaks he out. Luckily a blast from the past works with her and came to pick her up. Lucy, one of "six chicks" also formally known as Tom-Tom, is apparently her friend now and in high school. She definitely notices something is off with Jenna, but after awhile doesn't really give it a second thought. As Jenna arrives to work, she realizes she has her dream job at Poise Magazine. Jenna comes to the conclusion that's she's in this new life and Lucy is her best friend, so what happened to her best friend Mattie when she was 13?

Jenna had her assistant look up Matt Flamhaff and she found him. So, Jenna went to him and found out they weren't friends anymore. This really turned Jenna's world upside down. She tries to reconnect with Matt any way possible and luckily an opportunity arose for them to work together at Poise Magazine. Poise was looking for a new look for the magazine as they were losing sales to their competitor, Sparkle Magazine. Luckily, Matt is a photographer and can help Jenna's vision come to life.

As they work together, Matt and Jenna become very close again just in-time for Matt's wedding and for Lucy to sell Jenna's idea for the magazine to Sparkle. Everything starts going wrong as she's losing Mattie and Poise is going under. She visits Matt on his wedding day to try and stop him from getting married, but her attempt fails. He does give her, her dollhouse that he gave on her 13th birthday with the wishing dust. She takes it back to her parents house, which is next door, and wishes everything was back to normal and that she never made the wish to be 30. SPOILER ALERT!!! Lucky for her, it came true and she was back at her 13 year old birthday party where she told Tom-Tom off and kissed Mattie. Then, as you can imagine, in the end she married Matt and they lived happily ever after. As far as I can tell.

I absolutely adore this movie. Who doesn't think of fast-forwarding to the future or wishing they could go back. There's great romance between Matt and Jenna and absolutely love them together. Then you get great comedy with Jenna trying to figure out how to be a 30 year old with a 13 year old's brain. This is a great girl's night movie and one to watch over and over again. Have a great day and enjoy a great movie!


  1. I actually like this one a lot. Love Jennifer Garner and Andy Serkis completely steals the whole thing for me. Just hilarious!

  2. How many movies do you watch in a month?

  3. I watch a lot movies in just a month, I couldn't even tell you. They're not all new though, gotta re-watch some of my favorites!
